Saturday, September 3, 2011

A run through the English Gardens

As usual we started the day with a great breakfast in our hotel where we stocked up Susan's bag with sandwiches and fruit for lunch. We headed to Marienplatz for the 11am showing at the Glockenspiel. Then we hoped on the subway to the Englischer Garten.  Mary and Susan went for a 5km run while the rest of us wandered though the trails and met up with them at the Chinese Turm beer garden. After a great picnic lunch we went to watch the surfers in the river. We all wished we had our bathing suits so we could float down the river as it was very sunny and hot.  We went back to the hotel for a quick rest then decided to get good use of our day transit pass and went to Schloss Nymphenburg to get some pictures in the sun. We stopped at our second beer garden of the day for dinner. The Augustine Keller, where the locals hang out, which Doug, Susan and Margaret discovered on their first night. We're having our Baileys night cap now, packing up our bags and updating our blog before moving on to Salzburg in the morning. Auf Weidersein

1 comment:

  1. Have fun in Salzburg!! Leanne hope you are back to normal ASAP. You'll be missing out on all that beer and bratwurst. And spinnning around while singing 'the hills are alive' won't be as fun if you are nauseous. :(
