Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leanne in Montreux - Day in Lausanne

Woke up to rain so decided to hit the gym instead of running outside. The view made even the treadmill tolorable for an hour. The hotel brought by a complimentary tray of plums to my room, so I had a lesuirely brunch with fruit and croissants (from the co-op. By then the sun had come out and it was off to Lausanne. First stop a walking tour of the old town with Rick as my guide. Lots of good shopping, but all I bought were a few yumy chocolate truffles to eat along the way. Then back to the metro and down to the waterfront at Ouchy. Time for some sorbet - it was aparently a requirement to have ice cream if you want to walk along the waterfront. Next of the agenda was the olympic musem. It was great to see all the outfits and gear that had been donated by various atheletes over the years. I really enjoyed see all the medals from past years - my favourite was from the 2004 Athens Olympics. It was great to see all the Vancouver 2010 stuff, bringing back great memories from our Olympics. Ufortunately no photos were allowed inside and I'm not as brave as Doug so I didn't even try to sneak any. Back to the hotel to change for dinner at Harry's Bar. I had a dirty martini (not as good as the Shore Club in Vancouver) and delicious sea bass dinner while enjoying some live jazz music. Tomorrow - the Chocolate Train.

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