Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another busy day in Rome. Carol, Larry, Doug, Susan, Margaret, Leanne, Ken and Sarah set out for the day. For some of us it was our first time on the buses in Rome. 9:20 AM is still a busy time for comuters!!Our first stop for the day was the market at Campo Fiore. What a lovely selection of fresh produce. Next we strolled through the Jewish Ghetto through the Teatro di Marcello and on to the Monument Vittorio Emanuelle II. The views of Rome from the top of the monument were breathtaking!! Thank you Susan for finding out there was an elevator to the top.
Next we found our way on to Ancient Rome -the Forum, Palantine Hill and Colosseum. Very impressive. Carol and Larry headed off to see the Trevi Fountain and a bite to eat.
The rest continued on for the rest of the stops for the afternoon. All that walking required some sustenance so a table literally on the edgeof the street was found and a late lunch was had. The service was fast and very congenial. Very different from what we received last night!
After refreshment, we went to see Michelangelo's Moses and then Susan, Doug, Leanne and Margaret went off to see the Wheel of Truth from Roman Holiday fame. Sarah and Ken went back to the Piazza Venizia for another view of the Monument. All made the return route to the apartment.
Ken and Mary wer on cooking duty. Another lovely pasta meal with dessert from the local bakery. How do they make use of Nutella so much here? We had a pie which seemed to be made with it. :)
I wonder what tomorrow wil bring?
(Posted by Sarah)

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to Susan to climb every tall building in sight. Who needs cross training when you can tackle all the stairs? It looks like an amazing place. Wish I could be there with you!
